05:00: Teeet…teet.. My alarm ring.. Wake up, turn off the alarm, sleep

06:00: Wake up again, go to toilet, pee, Wudhu, Subuh, (too late for Subuh), and then sleep again

09:30: Wake up.. No sleepy anymore, confused, turn on the laptop, connect to internet, kaskus, facebook, ym, etc

11:00: Eat

11:30: Take a bath, Zuhur

12.00: Read the task, work on MS Word, sometimes chat on FB (absolutely unimportant chat with Ika MJ)

16:00: Ashar, continue on MS Word, continue ym, FB

18:00: Maghrib, continue on MS Word

19:00: Eat in Taman Sari, Isya

20.00 – till now : Huaaa… Kaskus, YM, write this for my blog…


Yah, one day @ Kost